I always enjoy reading Kate and Amanda’s thought-provoking posts. Leaders Lab are the ‘go to’ for practical, no nonsense, advice on real world problems relating to team building and leadership. Check them out!
Martin Birch, CEO & President, ibml
Resources Overview
Click on the links to find:
- Downloadable one-pagers of tips and advice on applied leadership skills.
- A bank of our articles on leadership, team development and organisation culture.
- Where to buy our book, ‘A Buzz in the Building’.
Most visited articles:
- How to hold one-to-one meetings with your team members: Do you hold regular one-to-one meetings with your direct reports? And if you do, how effective are they? We look at what you can do to improve those meetings, and offer you an informative one-page guide to download. Read the full article here>
- How to manage people at different levels of accountability: Accountability is a key concept underpinning leadership. But how do you manage people when they sit at different levels of accountability? We look at how your behaviour needs to adapt to each level when you’re a leader. Read the full article here>
- Accountability vs responsibility: Take a look at job descriptions in almost any organisation. You’ll find they’re broad statements of areas of responsibility or lists of activities. Job descriptions like this are concerned with activity rather than output, and fuel the culture of ‘hard work’ and long hours. What you don’t see is a list of the results people are accountable for producing. Read the full article here>
- Working in a team: We all work in a team – whether it’s a formal one in a large organisation, or a more individual one involving family members. A team can also involve other departments in your organisation, other businesses, suppliers and even clients. We look at some of the problems teams face and the solutions to overcome them. Read the full article here>
- A strong sense of purpose encourages success: If you want a successful business, then you need to make sure your employees feel like they’re working for something greater than just profit. Companies with a clear sense of purpose do better than those without one. Read the full article here>