by Amanda Baines | Feb 13, 2015 | Leadership
Great leaders have great communications skills. They can bring a vision to life, rally the troops and communicate their authenticity. Julian Treasure in his TED talk ‘How to speak so people want to listen’ explains the seven deadly sins of communications (watch for...
by Amanda Baines | Feb 5, 2015 | Organisation Culture
We were intrigued by the following post from Robin Damsky of Find – Fulfill – Flourish, and its implications for business leaders interested in really motivating and engaging their people: There is a remarkable TEDtalk by Dan Pink, author of Drive, about...
by Amanda Baines | Jan 30, 2015 | Leadership
As a business owner and leader, how do you gain positive insights on the things you could do differently today so that this improves your company’s outcomes and your leadership style? Here are the questions, and the resulting actions, that leaders should be...
by Amanda Baines | Jan 19, 2015 | Leadership
As a leader, one of the major challenges you will face is how to successfully develop the people in your organisation. Your team will need to be challenged, supported, encouraged to be creative and allowed to show initiative and make mistakes. You need them to be...
by Amanda Baines | Jan 18, 2015 | Leadership
Most people naturally prefer one leadership style, though in fact there are many. You could choose anything from ‘command and control’ through to full delegation: Telling Selling Supporting Delegating Telling is traditional ‘command and...