Are you a softie as a leader?

Are you a softie as a leader?

How empathetic are you? Are you a softie as a leader? Read this article and find out about the simple E test you can try out at work. American social scientists invented the E test to investigate the connection between power and empathy. This seemingly innocent party...
Do you have a job description or a laundry list?

Do you have a job description or a laundry list?

Do you have a job description? And if you do, when did you last look at it? In this article we look at why you need to re-design it and show you how to do it. If you have a job description, it’s likely that: – You’ve not looked at it recently It’s a long list of...
Five ways to be a better leader

Five ways to be a better leader

Do you think about how you could be a more effective leader? Here are 5 pointers for how to empower those around you: Have a vision broad and deep enough to inspire others and allow them to take parts of it and make it their own. Help the group develop a strategy—a...