by Amanda Baines | Aug 17, 2016 | Leadership
Clean up your mistakes, especially if you’re the boss. If you can admit to your mistakes, accept the consequences and move on, you’re far more likely keep your good reputation. Here are 7 things you need to know in order to do it properly. Admitting to your mistakes...
by Amanda Baines | Aug 1, 2016 | Organisation Culture
Why don’t people want to take accountability at work? Check out this article which shows you how you can build accountability in your business. Why do people avoid accountability? In the best organisations, detailed performance metrics, benchmarks and quantitative...
by Kate Mercer | Jul 21, 2016 | Leadership
What you don’t see can hurt you and your team. Unexamined beliefs can undermine your best intentions. Here are five questions to help surface some important leadership beliefs and to consider how well your actions reflect them. 1. What do you stand for? What do you...
by Amanda Baines | Jun 16, 2016 | Leadership
Do you have a job description? And if you do, when did you last look at it? In this article we look at why you need to re-design it and show you how to do it. If you have a job description, it’s likely that: – You’ve not looked at it recently It’s a long list of...
by Kate Mercer | Mar 22, 2016 | Organisation Culture
We spend a lot of time and words on this blog writing about how to give your organisation, and the people in it, space to grow and thrive without you and your hands-on input 24/7. Often this comes as a huge relief to business leaders: relinquish control of the details...