It’s Hallowe’en – have you been ghosted yet?

It’s Hallowe’en – have you been ghosted yet?

Have you ever been ‘ghosted’? That potential customer who seemed so interested in doing business with you, then never came back? The job interviewer who seemed so keen, then went silent and stopped returning your emails and calls? The enthusiastic young applicant for...
Authentic leadership: You can choose who to be

Authentic leadership: You can choose who to be

You can learn to harness the ways of being that work for you so you only use them in the leadership situations and circumstances that really call for them. In this article we look at how you can choose who to be. This morning, if you slept well, just a few seconds...
Give some positive feedback today! It’s a leader’s job when things go right

Do you lie to your staff and colleagues?

How should you speak to people so they really trust you? Here are ten expectations your staff and colleagues have of you as a leader. These are some of the often unspoken things people are concerned about when you speak, change direction or priorities, have a...