
Leadership and the art of influence

Leadership and the art of influence

An inspiring post today from Neil Crofts about how influence lies at the very heart of leadership: One of the frequent challenges I hear in leadership development sessions is that even after they have agreed something as a team, people want to renegotiate or that a...

What do your managers need to know?

What do your managers need to know?

For your organisation to be a success you need good managers, and too often this is left to chance. Teams and individuals who are badly managed are at best disengaged and at worst can actually sabotage your business. Your rising stars leave to go to work for your...

The six golden rules for managing your time

The six golden rules for managing your time

Do you feel you spend far too much of your time putting out fires, but you don’t know how to approach things differently? Managing your time isn’t rocket science. It starts with your planning and organisation, and a bit of self-discipline when it comes to your diary....

How to get your voice heard in meetings

How to get your voice heard in meetings

Ever sat in a meeting, really wanting to contribute in some way but been unable to get a word in? Ever left a meeting running the ‘could have, would have, should haves’ of everything you didn’t say through your brain? I think we’ve all been there. There are lots of...

Find fresh ideas and approaches to resolve your business issues, make a noticeable difference in your performance, and achieve long-term goals.


Find fresh ideas and approaches to resolve your business issues, make a noticeable difference in your performance, and achieve long-term goals.