
Stand tall! How your body language shapes who you are

Stand tall! How your body language shapes who you are

We don’t believe you can pretend to be what you’re not; this is a fundamental principle when we’re coaching anyone to be a better leader. But recent research suggests you can change the way you feel by altering your body language. Can you really ‘fake it till you make...

Hard skills v soft skills

Hard skills v soft skills

In your world of work, ‘hard skills’ are technical procedures related to your core business. Examples include the latest law, rules and regulations in your area of expertise, or industry. Ironically enough, these ‘hard’ skills are typically easy to observe, quantify...

Hard skills v soft skills

The four managerial skills you really need

It’s easy to assume that being a manager means making money and hitting targets – there’s no time for taking care of your staff and spending time with your team. Well we don’t agree – and here are the only four skills you really need… Do you ever question the...

Are you an unhappy leader?

Are you an unhappy leader?

Are you an unhappy boss? If you are, you can expect your employees to be unhappy too. Here are 6 ways you can tackle levels of happiness at work which will impact your bottom line. Often places where people are unhappy are places where the leaders are unhappy too. And...

Find fresh ideas and approaches to resolve your business issues, make a noticeable difference in your performance, and achieve long-term goals.


Find fresh ideas and approaches to resolve your business issues, make a noticeable difference in your performance, and achieve long-term goals.