The Rugby World Cup is now well under way and rugby enthusiasts throughout the world are gripped as the drama unfolds. Again I am struck how sporting events like these, or the 2012 Olympics, cut across different nationalities, countries and cultures. They give us...
Organisation Culture
Understand your business as a brand
Do you think of your business as a ‘brand'? Maybe you think it’s not the right term for a serious business which is going places. However, there’s a lot to be said for leadership which develops its own ‘brand.’ It sets your business apart from the competition and...
Banish boring meetings!
Want to know some good tips on how to banish boring meetings and instil best practice? Today's guest blog is from Jesse Lyn Stoner who imparts some wise advice on turning pointless meetings into useful ones: I’ve attended a lot of meetings that are a waste of time –...
Which level is your organisation on the cultural ladder?
See where you and your colleagues think you and your organisation are on the following cultural ‘ladder’. Use your findings to start a debate in your organisation, and start the process of bringing your culture up to date: Level 1: Organisation culture is seen as...
How to stop blaming others in your organisation
Who is ‘they’ in your organisation? ‘Sales’? ‘Marketing’? ‘the staff’?, ‘customers’? Do ‘they’ seem to be making your job harder to do? Do you hear stuff like (or catch yourself saying): “this job would be fine if it wasn’t for ‘them’!”, “nobody tells me anything”,...
What behaviours can you expect from people in a group?
If you can see value in looking at your group, team or organisation as a whole then you might ask, “What are the behaviours I can expect from individuals in a group context?”. At this ‘group-as-a-whole’ level, a group becomes a social system. You can’t explain away...
How do you deal with change management?
You hear a lot about change management, and how to deal with it effectively. But what about the period between the old and the new – the neutral zone? It can be a difficult time, and it can go on for some while. The hatchet has fallen: people know what the new...
Measuring the ‘unmeasurable’ – assess your organisation
These are some critical underlying drivers of sustainable business success: Performance: Underperformance is not tolerated People never make excuses for underperformance We don’t waste time doing irrelevant things The results of the business are in line with its...
How healthy is your organisation?
What’s your cholesterol level? Are you the optimum weight for your height? Is your level of fitness adequate for the demands your life makes on your body? But when did you as a business leader last systematically assess the state of health of your organisation? I...
Tolerance and intolerance
Today, an inspirational post on tolerance from one of our favourite bloggers, Neil Crofts: Over millions of years humans have evolved to have a finely tuned distrust of difference. In the stone age settlement, difference meant danger. Millions of years of our...
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.