In Friday's post, we explored the first ’switch point’ in the life of your business. Let's take a look at the second... At the second switch point, at around the £5-10m+ turnover and 40+ employee mark, your business moves out of the consolidation phase. The leadership...
Organisation Culture
How to know when organisation change is needed
There are times in the life of your business when it changes direction. It can be easy to miss the moment and find yourself looking back later thinking, "what happened?" It's almost as if you were driving the train, when suddenly it hit the points and half the train...
The only leadership models you need
In conversations with business contacts over the years about leadership courses, I have found myself reflecting that there are really only two kinds of leadership or management model - and the two kinds have very different purposes and effects. The first kind of...
It’s just the way we do things round here
How often do you hear: "that's just" or (more likely!) "that's not the way we do things round here"? Here's a question for you: how did you come up with the 'way you do things round here' - your business 'culture'? Chance? Habit? Nurture? Nature? Whatever your answer,...
Nine ways to build a business to last
Small businesses that survive from generation to generation are few and far between, but all business owners can learn from what they do well. To survive recession, adapt to changing trends and new technology, and to maintain your place in your market, takes certain...
6 top tips for making organisational change stick!
We look at six tips that will help your company to stick to those all-important organisational changes: 1. Consciously design ...your projects, announcements and events to emphasise the integration of practical change – restructuring, new systems, office moves etc,...
Let’s talk about your business culture
How much time is wasted around your office coffee machine by people talking about your culture and its impact on performance? Some typical comments might be: 'We're not delivering the results we should' 'There's no leadership around here' 'There's no coherent...
The surprising truth about what motivates us
Here's an interesting video by Dan Pink on the surprising truth about what motivates us, providing concrete examples of how intrinsic motivation functions both at home and in the workplace. [embedvideo type="youtube" id="_mG-hhWL_ug"] Take a look - and let us...
How to get your team to produce results
How familiar are these situations? Your organisation adopts a new strategy. While paying lip-service to the change, key staff still resist the new direction, complaining and hoping that things will go back to the way they were. A team regards itself as a group of...
Partnership is a key leadership skill
One of the key principles of Leadership is Partnership. We define Leadership as “holding the Vision, causing Partnership, and holding people to Account”. Partnership, we believe, is the ‘holding oneself to account for the success of each member of the team’. What do...
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.