We can learn a lot from organisations whose strong and adaptive corporate cultures give them a powerful competitive edge. Here are our top ten compelling reasons why. Leadership is critical in codifying and maintaining an organisational purpose, values and vision....
Organisation Culture
Risky business – know how your mindset affects your assessment of risk
How does your mindset influence your approach to risk assessment? Check out this article to see how risk averse you are and why this affects how you tackle challenges in your business. Your values, beliefs and attitudes construct a view of the world and your place in...
How long should a meeting last?
It's important to keep meetings short and snappy as people begin to switch off after 30 minutes. This guest blog post from Olive Keogh in The Irish Times explains why. “A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.” This pithy little...
Four ways to make better use of your advisers and cure your business headaches at the same time
Do you get lost in trying to diagnose the problems in your business, so you can find the right solution for your staff and yourself? We can save you the trouble! Here’s how to get help, and four ways to make the best use of your business advisers. Telling the doctor...
Hard skills v soft skills
In your world of work, ‘hard skills’ are technical procedures related to your core business. Examples include the latest law, rules and regulations in your area of expertise, or industry. Ironically enough, these ‘hard’ skills are typically easy to observe, quantify...
Three approaches to culture change: what works
You can’t “do” culture change to your organisation. Culture arises from the beliefs and underlying assumptions held by the people in the organisation. Trying to change culture by decree or through training programmes won’t affect people’s beliefs. In today's guest...
Isn’t organisation development just a waste of time and money?
What is organisation development and how can it help your business? Here is a simple overview and our answer to the question. With thanks to Koru for the inspiration. No clear direction, management imposing ever tighter controls, increasingly disengaged work force,...
How to coach your sales people to pick up the phone
It might seem like an anomaly that sales staff don't want to make new business calls. But we've found that it's a key issue that comes up with client-facing service providers. They will do almost anything but pick up the phone to potential new clients. We look at the...
How to spot bullies in your workplace
Bullying is more widespread in business than you might think. It has a huge financial and human impact and shouldn’t be tolerated by bosses. Check out this list for the most common types of bullying behaviour. There is a business case against tolerating nasty and...
Why don’t people want to take accountability at work?
Why don’t people want to take accountability at work? Check out this article which shows you how you can build accountability in your business. Why do people avoid accountability? In the best organisations, detailed performance metrics, benchmarks and quantitative...
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.