Bullying is more widespread in business than you might think. It has a huge financial and human impact and shouldn’t be tolerated by bosses. Check out this list for the most common types of bullying behaviour. There is a business case against tolerating nasty and...
Organisation Culture
Why don’t people want to take accountability at work?
Why don’t people want to take accountability at work? Check out this article which shows you how you can build accountability in your business. Why do people avoid accountability? In the best organisations, detailed performance metrics, benchmarks and quantitative...
Why appraisals are a waste of time
Appraisals are indeed a waste of time if what you would rather do is fill in paperwork (and complain about it) than talk to somebody eyeball to eyeball, motivating, acknowledging, coaching and training them face to face. Here we suggest a way you can scrap your...
Are you an unhappy leader?
Are you an unhappy boss? If you are, you can expect your employees to be unhappy too. Here are 6 ways you can tackle levels of happiness at work which will impact your bottom line. Often places where people are unhappy are places where the leaders are unhappy too. And...
Step away from the Lego: Four ways team-building can damage your team
We explain why most ‘team-building’ activities are, at best, a waste of time and, at worst, damaging for your team's morale. Do you get that sinking feeling when someone (your MD? HR? A keen colleague?) suggests you ‘do some team-building’? Do you have ghastly visions...
Four ways to stop the finger-pointing
Most important work in organisations is not done by one person in isolation; it most often involves individuals and groups working together. In this article we make four simple suggestions for stopping the finger-pointing and restoring harmony. Why is it so unusual to...
The five real reasons why motivating your staff is a good idea
As a leader, it’s your job to spot what’s going right. To do that, you must habitually make it your business to find out. Here are five good reasons why you should make the effort. So many organisational leaders seem to regard it as their job to spot things that are...
Are you creating a great organisation culture – or just leaving it to chance?
According to Neil Crofts of Holos, two essential prerequisites for creating a business that delivers sustained success for all of its stakeholders, from employees to society, and that will profit and grow for years on end are ‘forward looking and outstanding...
Does your organisation need to invest in culture?
It often helps in leading your organisation to think of a three-legged stool: strategy, performance and culture. We use this analogy in working with business leaders who wonder, for example, why business is going like a train, they know where they are going and are...
Do you run your business on social skills?
What skills do you think you need in order to be really successful at work? It may seem obvious; you need, of course, to have very good technical skills, by which I mean you need to be an excellent lawyer, wealth manager, estate agent, manufacturer or whatever it is...
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.