Organisation Culture

Why appraisals are a waste of time

Why appraisals are a waste of time

Appraisals are indeed a waste of time if what you would rather do is fill in paperwork (and complain about it) than talk to somebody eyeball to eyeball, motivating, acknowledging, coaching and training them face to face. Here we suggest a way you can scrap your...

Are you an unhappy leader?

Are you an unhappy leader?

Are you an unhappy boss? If you are, you can expect your employees to be unhappy too. Here are 6 ways you can tackle levels of happiness at work which will impact your bottom line. Often places where people are unhappy are places where the leaders are unhappy too. And...

Four ways to stop the finger-pointing

Four ways to stop the finger-pointing

Most important work in organisations is not done by one person in isolation; it most often involves individuals and groups working together. In this article we make four simple suggestions for stopping the finger-pointing and restoring harmony. Why is it so unusual to...

Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.


Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.