For the vast majority of people, collaboration is a matter of willingness, not ability. And unless there is a fundamental wish to collaborate, it won’t happen. When senior people in organisations tell their team leaders to work together, it will only happen if ‘they’...
Organisation Culture
Why you don’t do karate in the boardroom
In order to alter the culture in an organisation, or the attitude of an individual in your team, change has to happen at a profound level. In our long experience, it is pointless foisting company values on an organisation that has had no part in their creation. It is...
Four ways to make your meetings more productive
Does it sometimes feel as if you spend all day in meetings, yet any real work has to be done outside them? Here are four ways to turn this around and make your meetings more productive. The real problem is that your meetings aren't really snappy or productive enough....
How to get buy-in from your colleagues to your chosen provider
Let’s say you’ve been tasked with finding expert outside help to support you in an important piece of work for which you don’t have the relevant expertise in house. You may need support in developing your team and organisation, from the likes of Leaders Lab maybe. Or...
Hate the fluffy ‘soft’ skills? Are you missing a trick?
Every organisation has its own unique culture. This can seem obvious to outsiders, but for those working in the organisation it can often feel invisible. Imagine a goldfish that’s swimming around in water that has no idea it’s swimming around in water. The culture of...
What to do when you’ve tried everything to motivate your team and run out of ideas
One of the the most common questions we are asked by clients and potential clients is how to motivate people. When we explore their reasons for asking, it seems that they see ‘motivating people’ as the answer to issues as diverse as: People not doing what they are...
Three hints on how to get people to sort their own problems out
Are you plagued with people bringing you issues to sort out? Do you find you are interrupted one minute by somebody complaining about their inability to get an answer from some other department or outside agency, the next by somebody bemoaning the inability of other...
Good people leaving? Don’t offer them double
What do you do when one of your best fee earners walks into your office, hands you his resignation and tells you he has accepted a job with your competitor? This happened to a client of ours recently and during the course of their subsequent conversation he offered to...
Don’t buy the medicine before you’ve spoken to the doctor
Let’s imagine you go to the doctor with a pain all across your lower back and down your left leg. When you go into the doctor, you sit down and say, ‘I know exactly what I need, Doc. I’ve got this pain; if you’ll just do me a prescription for these specific named...
Five reasons why paintballing won’t hit the bottom line
Do you worry that one of the reasons you won’t meet your targets is because your team doesn’t behave like a team? Do you feel that you’re constantly on the back foot and unsupported by a group of people who are divisive, won’t share information with each other and...
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.