Listening to the news, especially the business news, can sometimes be unsettling. Not many signs of positivity or growth, and you have doubtless had to increase your focus on business development. While this is clearly the right way to go, it can seem to make the job of leading and managing your people very challenging.

It would be easy to forget that your team is your most important resource. However, great organisation leaders don’t only focus on their staff during the good times – they do it all the time. Don’t take your eye off this ball!

Here are seven successful strategies we have found to work for business leaders:

  1. Act as a leader, not a follower; if you are a leader of a whole business or part of one, get out there and be seen to lead – talk about where your organisation (or your bit of it) is going, hold yourself and others to account (always) and encourage collaboration (not finger-pointing).
  2. Focus on things you can affect; avoid discussing things that are outside your control. Actively discourage gossip – it’s a complete waste of time. Create continuous improvement groups and other activities that inspire and excite – engage your staff in the work of improving your organisation and ensuring its success.
  3. If you have a Vision/Purpose statement review it, discuss it, bring it to life. Ensure everyone knows their unique contribution to achieving it and being on the journey. If you don’t have a statement of Vision or Purpose, get as many as possible to help create it and ensure they know how important they all are in its fulfilment.
  4. Catch people doing things right. Acknowledge effort as well as achievement. Acknowledge those people who consistently provide great service to internal and external customers – they are very precious parts of the business. Internal support staff are often overlooked in the shadow of the big “rainmakers” who bring in new business.
  5. Deal with signs of stress and conflict NOW – in you or in others. Get outside help from a mentor or coach. Stress and conflict in organisations are like a virus – once in an organisation it’s difficult to eradicate. It is not a crime to be stressed or be in conflict; it’s part of life from time to time. Not doing anything about it is!
  6. Distinguish clearly between the vital and everything else. This is often the difference between spending time and energy on what’s in the strategic business plan or on other things. Test everything you and others do against the plan, and eliminate everything which doesn’t fit. Create a culture of doing the basics right – on time and in full. And hold yourself and those who work around you to account to do the same – no excuses.
  7. Improve your wellbeing and encourage others to do so. It is vital that you are in good shape physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually if you are to contribute fully to your business. The reason you will hold back on implementing any or all of the above is because your wellbeing is less than optimal.

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