by Amanda Baines | Mar 11, 2015 | Leadership
In a recent post on authentic leadership we talked about the pitfalls of thinking that you can ‘fake it till you make it’. At Leaders Lab we don’t believe you can pretend to be what you’re not, in order to magically transform yourself into a great leader. The key is...
by Amanda Baines | Mar 2, 2015 | Leadership
When we ask our clients what they consider to be one of the most important qualities of a leader, they are very likely to use words such as authenticity, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness and trustworthiness. At Leaders Lab we firmly believe that...
by Kate Mercer | Feb 18, 2015 | Leadership
The language of leaders is simple, direct, investable and shareable. As a leader, your first goal is to connect with your audience, earn their trust and get them to endorse and share your vision. So how do you create that connection with your most important...
by Kate Mercer | Feb 9, 2015 | Leadership
When do you put your trust in people? Ask around, and many people will say, “I trust people when they’ve proved they can be trusted”. Others give The Enlightened Response: “I trust people until they let me down”. Which is your stance? Either...
by Amanda Baines | Jan 30, 2015 | Leadership
As a business owner and leader, how do you gain positive insights on the things you could do differently today so that this improves your company’s outcomes and your leadership style? Here are the questions, and the resulting actions, that leaders should be...