What business mindsets would you like to transform?

What business mindsets would you like to transform?

Would you like to be able to raise your prices? Meet your targets consistently? Attract more customers? Communicate about your products and services with more impact? Lead an inspired and inspiring team of staff? Have more fulfilment, satisfaction, fun and success at...
How do you deal with change management?

How do you deal with change management?

You hear a lot about change management, and how to deal with it effectively. But what about the period between the old and the new – the neutral zone? It can be a difficult time, and it can go on for some while. The hatchet has fallen: people know what the new...
Give some positive feedback today

Give some positive feedback today

Here’s a guest blog post from my good friend, John Gloster-Smith, on the topic of giving positive feedback: What does it take to praise or appreciate people? Sometimes quite a lot, it seems. Apparently 7 out of 10 UK workers feel that their employers take their...