
Can’t let go? 8 ways to sort out your delegation

Can’t let go? 8 ways to sort out your delegation

Do you find it hard to delegate? Bad delegation affects you, your team and your business. Here are 8 ways to improve your delegation skills. Peter Drucker of the Drucker Institute saw effective delegation as essential to his ‘management by objectives’ philosophy. He...

Are you a softie as a leader?

Are you a softie as a leader?

How empathetic are you? Are you a softie as a leader? Read this article and find out about the simple E test you can try out at work. American social scientists invented the E test to investigate the connection between power and empathy. This seemingly innocent party...

Do you have a job description or a laundry list?

Do you have a job description or a laundry list?

Do you have a job description? And if you do, when did you last look at it? In this article we look at why you need to re-design it and show you how to do it. If you have a job description, it’s likely that: - You’ve not looked at it recently It’s a long list of...

Do you lie to your staff and colleagues?

Do you lie to your staff and colleagues?

How should you speak to people so they really trust you? Here are ten expectations your staff and colleagues have of you as a leader. These are some of the often unspoken things people are concerned about when you speak, change direction or priorities, have a...

How mediocre are you? What it takes to be really ordinary in business

Are you ever ready for leadership?

How ready do you feel to step up and assume leadership? I don’t mean ‘get promotion’ or ‘take a new role’, though these often require leadership. I mean those situations where you are not empowered, have no authority and people don’t seem to be hanging on your every...

Find fresh ideas and approaches to resolve your business issues, make a noticeable difference in your performance, and achieve long-term goals.


Find fresh ideas and approaches to resolve your business issues, make a noticeable difference in your performance, and achieve long-term goals.