If you manage a team and you all really enjoy coming to work, it’s sometimes hard to understand why the buzz you experience doesn’t always lead to outstanding results. You have a laugh, you enjoy your meetings, it’s a pleasure being part of the team, but do you ever...
Organisation Culture
Learn to trust your staff and get the results you want
Do you find yourself feeling that you can’t trust people in your business to do what you want them to do? It’s a common complaint among business leaders, and their usual assumption is that there is something wrong with the people they employ. Among the knee-jerk...
Stop the finger-pointing and create a healthy culture in your organisation
In organisations where finger-pointing is rife, it is likely that there is a pervasive blame culture. This will inevitably have a damaging effect on the success of your business. We give you five ways of turning this around, with a set of effective groundrules to...
Are you rewarding the behaviour you want to see?
Every organisation needs a reward system for employees that addresses the following four areas:- Compensation Benefits Recognition Appreciation The problem with many organisations is that too often the focus is on the first two elements of compensation and benefits....
Five areas to focus your time in growing your organisation
We spend a lot of time and words on this blog writing about how to give your organisation, and the people in it, space to grow and thrive without you and your hands-on input 24/7. Often this comes as a huge relief to business leaders: relinquish control of the details...
How to get the best bang for your training bucks
As a business leader, you have many competing demands on your budget. Although you can easily justify spending money on training and developing people, and connect this with beneficial effects on your company’s performance and culture (can’t you?), you do of course...
How do you stop your best employees being poached by your competitors?
As CEO of an organisation, losing your best fee earner or your most talented employee is very frustrating. After spending so much time and money, finding, recruiting, coaching and training employees, it’s understandably disheartening when they leave; especially when...
Book launch at the Walkie Talkie
The Leaders Lab team are counting down the hours to the launch of Kate Mercer's new book 'A Buzz in the Building: How to build and lead a brilliant organisation' which is taking place later today. We were fortunate enough to be invited to use the offices of DWF on...
Step away from the Lego – why team-building exercises don’t work
Does your heart sink when one of your colleagues mentions the words 'team-building exercises'? Do you have visions of having to create abstract constructions out of Lego in a crowded room? Here at Leaders Lab we build a strong case for demonstrating that such...
The 7 transferrable secrets of leadership success
Somehow running a business, or a team within a business of more than about 30 people, can appear to be extremely complex. Of course, we have the option to make it complex, but the secret of success is to keep it simple. The totally transferrable secrets of success...
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.
Find out how to create and manage a brilliant culture that underpins a truly successful growing business.