by Kate Mercer | Jan 30, 2017 | Organisation Culture
If you’re very close to your business, it’s easy to miss the key points in its development – you only notice looking back months or years later that something has changed. Here are the signs to look out for and how to adapt most effectively to the...
by Kate Mercer | Jan 12, 2017 | Organisation Culture
It’s easy to let your business grow and develop without having to think too much about the direction it’s taking. But at some point it’s going to become an entity in itself – a ‘proper’ organisation, with a life of its own – and you need to start thinking about giving...
by Kate Mercer | Jan 10, 2017 | Organisation Culture
Businesses grow up with a certain ‘culture’ – it seems simply to develop, often without intention. Check out this article for why you need to examine your organisation’s culture and for some useful questions to ask yourself. In our social lives we recognise...
by Kate Mercer | Nov 28, 2016 | Organisation Culture
Your skills garnered you a leadership position. But now you have to stop clinging to the security of your specialism and start adopting the practices of a manager. Here’s our advice on trusting your team to take the company forward. One of the ironies of...
by Kate Mercer | Nov 21, 2016 | Organisation Culture
“Why does everything end up on my desk?” “Nobody shows any initiative – it’s like managing a bunch of children.” Are these familiar thoughts? Do you find people don’t understand you? Are you frustrated that they don’t do what you want and what your business needs?...