“I’m really tired of all these articles and books telling us what to do to be great leaders. I already know and agree with what they’re saying. I should empower my people, take risks, have a vision, deliver results, be accountable, be service-driven, not ego-driven,...
Team Development
It’s just the way we do things round here
How often do you hear: "that's just" or (more likely!) "that's not the way we do things round here"? Here's a question for you: how did you come up with the 'way you do things round here' - your business 'culture'? Chance? Habit? Nurture? Nature? Whatever your answer,...
The surprising truth about what motivates us
Here's an interesting video by Dan Pink on the surprising truth about what motivates us, providing concrete examples of how intrinsic motivation functions both at home and in the workplace. [embedvideo type="youtube" id="_mG-hhWL_ug"] Take a look - and let us...
How to get your team to produce results
How familiar are these situations? Your organisation adopts a new strategy. While paying lip-service to the change, key staff still resist the new direction, complaining and hoping that things will go back to the way they were. A team regards itself as a group of...
Partnership is a key leadership skill
One of the key principles of Leadership is Partnership. We define Leadership as “holding the Vision, causing Partnership, and holding people to Account”. Partnership, we believe, is the ‘holding oneself to account for the success of each member of the team’. What do...
What does team development mean to you?
What do you understand by 'team development'? Here are some of the answers we get when we're talking to the business managers and directors who are our prospective clients. They say:"Oh we do a lot of team development. We go out for a big meal together every month. In...
Seven successful strategies to improve morale
Listening to the news, especially the business news, can sometimes be unsettling. Not many signs of positivity or growth, and you have doubtless had to increase your focus on business development. While this is clearly the right way to go, it can seem to make the job...
Make your meetings more effective
In many organisations we visit we see meetings where people arrive late, and unprepared for the topics to be discussed. Often, people openly check their emails on their phones or laptops during meetings, or even answer their mobile and leave the room for a while to...
How to hold one-to-one meetings with your team members
Do you hold regular one-to-one meetings with your direct reports? And if you do, how effective are they? We look at what you can do to improve those meetings, and offer you an informative one-page guide to download. Occasionally we hear comments such as ‘Oh yes, we...
Is your business team like a family?
Do you find yourself saying 'we're like family'? What's the problem with that? Well, being ‘one big happy family’ is not the way to run a business that is durable, that provides a satisfying environment for people to work in and that is financially stable and sound....
Learn how you and your team can collaborate to raise your game, improving your results and your experience of working together.
Learn how you and your team can collaborate to raise your game, improving your results and your experience of working together.